The first EuroSea Tide Gauge Network Workshop will take place on 12-14 January 2021. The event will bring together the global tide gauge community to share experiences, exchange information on recent activities, and discuss ways to overcome the challenges across different geographical regions, while ensuring an effective coordination and communication with the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS).

The workshop is a free and virtual event organized by the EuroGOOS Tide Gauge Task Team and hosted by the European Global Ocean Observing System, EuroGOOS. It marks the first of the two workshops held in the framework of the EuroSea project under the EU Horizon 2020 programme.

The event will include three half-day sessions (12-14 January 2021) and will cover the following topics:

  • National experiences from Europe and beyond: The operators of national tide gauge networks will be invited to share their experiences in a roundtable discussion. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss their main challenges and achievements, data distribution topics, as well as the sustainability of the network and improvement suggestions.
  • New sea level technologies: During this session, participants will examine the status, challenges, and advantages of existing and experimental technologies such as the Global Navigation Satellite System Multi-Reflectometry technique (GNSS-MR).
  • Data flow: The session will provide an overview of the different data portals, including their role, main products and applications, and contact details for basic support. The session will also include a discussion on recommendations for synergies and possible improvements in data flow and distribution.
  • GNSS co-location of tide gauges: Discussions will concentrate on the relevance of GNSS co-location for measuring absolute sea levels to a common reference. The session will also include a training session by SONEL (GLOSS GNSS data portal), which will cover best practices for the installation of new GNSS co-located tide gauge – including levelling, required data and metadata formats, as well as the use of different GNSS solutions.
  • Influence of waves, infragravity waves and meteotsunamis on extreme sea level records The session will explore the influence of these processes on extreme sea level measurements, and will analyze their impact on existing studies of extreme sea levels.
  • Impact of COVID-19: Discussion will focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on network performance, funding, staff safety, and more.

Programme and Registration

Register at this link. Attendance is free. All registered participants will receive a confirmation email with information on how to join the meeting. Programme will be available soon on the EuroSea website. Download the event’s flyer with further information.