The upcoming EOOS Technology Forum workshop “Advanced Technologies for a a Clean and Healthy Ocean” will take place on 22-24 March 2022 as a virtual event. This workshop is part of EuroSea and is supported by EuroGOOS Technology Plan Working Group and the EU MINKE project.

Oceanographic buoy Varna bay. Credit: IO-BAS, Bulgaria

Science, technology, and innovation activities are undergoing rapid changes that are transforming ocean research and innovation processes. Sustained ocean observations, essential to increase our understanding of the ocean and its functions, require a suite of increasingly efficient technologies and instruments to gather, store, transfer and process large volumes of ocean data.

We need capacity to incorporate new and better technologies into the observing systems as the readiness level increases to increase efficiency. However, it is also important that we help guide technological development to enable fit for purpose observations and outputs to address societal needs and that we anticipate future requirements.

Using the UN Ocean Decade as a framework and the EOOS Technology Forum as the mechanism to bring together technology developers, industry, and research, the workshop will discuss new technological developments, challenges and actions needed to work towards two Ocean Decade societal outcomes: “A clean ocean where sources of pollution are identified and removed” and “A healthy and resilient ocean where marine ecosystems are mapped and protected”.

The workshop will have inspirational keynote speakers and expert panels to instigate discussion on technological cross-cutting issues, developments and requirements using the topic of marine pollution: monitoring, forecasting, mitigation and measuring impact on marine life and coasts.

The workshop will provide the opportunity for tech developers and industry to demonstrate new technological advancements and how they can contribute and make a difference to the ocean observing enterprises and to achieve a clean and healthy ocean.

A call for contributions will open in January 2022 so stay tuned and save the date for this exciting workshop!