Development of innovative forecast and reanalysis products


Forecast and reanalysis products form the backbone of predictive and retrospective analyses in various fields, particularly in meteorology and oceanography. Advancing these products means introducing new methodologies, improving resolution, increasing accuracy, and expanding the scope of variables analysed. The innovation could come in the form of enhanced data assimilation techniques, better model resolution, or the incorporation of previously overlooked variables.

Impact During the Project

Enhanced Predictive Capabilities:
Traditional State: Earlier forecasting models might have had limitations in terms of temporal and spatial resolution, possibly leading to less accurate predictions.
Advancement: Innovative products would likely offer finer resolution, both spatially and temporally, leading to more detailed and accurate predictions.

Better Understanding of Past Events:
Traditional State: Traditional reanalysis products might have offered a limited retrospective view based on the constraints of older models and available data.
Advancement: Enhanced reanalysis products provide a more comprehensive understanding of past events, capturing nuances and details previously missed.

Higher Readiness for Real-world Application (TRL7):
Traditional State: Earlier versions of forecast and reanalysis products might not have been as ready for real-world applications or might have been limited in their applicability.
Advancement: Achieving TRL7 means that the innovative products have been demonstrated in a relevant environment, indicating their reliability and readiness for broader real-world applications.

Impact Post Project

Informed Decision-making:
Improved forecasting and reanalysis products enable stakeholders, ranging from policymakers to industry professionals, to make better-informed decisions based on accurate predictive data and comprehensive retrospective analyses.

Enhanced Public Safety and Preparedness:
For forecasts related to extreme weather or oceanographic events, enhanced predictive accuracy ensures that public warnings are timely and precise, leading to better public safety measures and preparedness.

Facilitated Research and Development:
With higher-quality forecast and reanalysis data available, researchers can develop more precise models, simulations, and analyses, further advancing the state of the art in the field.

Advancement over and above State of the Art

The introduction of innovative forecast and reanalysis products represents a marked step forward from traditional methods and models. This advancement addresses inherent limitations in earlier products, offering enhanced resolution, improved accuracy, and a broader scope of analysis. Immediately, this means more accurate predictions and a better understanding of past events. Achieving TRL7 signifies the products’ readiness for broader applications, ensuring that they meet the demands of real-world scenarios. In the long run, these advancements pave the way for better-informed decisions, enhanced public safety, and the facilitation of more sophisticated research endeavours.

Links and References

Link to D2.4 – Indicators for demonstrators and forecast:

Link to D6.3 – Best Practice on creating “Extreme Marine Events” Hazard maps & forecasts Report: