The project “EuroSea” (grant no. 862626) is an EU H2020-funded innovation action. It is important to present our activities transparently and as comprehensively as possible to the financial funders and the public. For this reason, selected EuroSea activities are documented in sound and vision.
By participating in Workshop ‘Towards a Coordinated European Observing System for Marine Macroalgae taking place on 23-25 November 2021, you agree to the following:
- I hereby agree that the film, sound and photo recordings, as well as any contributions in written form such as but not limited to comments in the Q&A and chat-section of the online video call tool used in the workshop (“the material”), on which I or my contribution to the workshop may appear in sound and vision or in written form, may be used by the coordinator of the project for statutory purposes, in particular for non-commercial scientific purposes, for editorial purposes and for public relations purposes in print products, on websites and in social media.
- EuroSea may pass on the material to third parties only for non-commercial scientific purposes, for editorial reporting in connection with research activities or events of EuroSea.
- I grant the right to use the material and the right to sublicense it to third parties to EuroSea without limitation of time or place.
- I have been informed that I can revoke my consent under this agreement at any time and without giving reasons. The revocation refers to future uses only. The contact partner for the revocation is (Lavenia Ratnarajah;
- I am aware that it is possible to record the material as a picture via screenshot. In the case of a revocation of my consent to a publication, EuroSea cannot exclude the possibility that my image may be used by third parties despite the deletion from the EuroSea website or from social media. This also applies to the material that have been passed on to third parties within the scope of this declaration of consent.
- All personal data collected during the implementation of this workshop will be deleted at the latest by the end of the EuroSea project on 31/12/2023.