One of EuroSea’s objectives is to strengthen European leadership in ocean observing system coordination through reinforcing the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) framework and contributing to the implementation of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) 2030 Strategy. EuroSea supports many aspects of the EOOS implementation, among those is the EOOS Operations Committee. Its membership encompasses the GOOS National Focal Points for Europe, relevant European research infrastructures, and EuroGOOS task teams and Regional Operational Oceanographic Systems.
The EOOS Operations Committee is a vital element of the EOOS governance representing the diversity of the ocean observing implementers at national, regional, and pan-European levels. Its role is to support the integration and long-term sustainability of the ocean observing efforts in Europe and implement EOOS progressively. To date, the committee has held two successful virtual meetings, a kick-off in November 2020 and a second meeting in March 2021. These were attended by over 45 participants from 26 European nations that discussed diverse topics and explored diverse solutions to make the benefits of ocean observing more visible, foster integration, coordination and collaboration, and advocate for sustained funding. The EOOS Operations Committee also represents the first instance of GOOS engaging its National Focal Points in a collective team to work on advancing national and cross-border ideas towards an integrated, fit-for-purpose Global Ocean Observing System.
Experts from OceanOPS and the GOOS Bio-Eco Panel have informed the committee about their activities in EuroSea, facilitating the brainstorming on how to map infrastructures and observing networks and integrate biological observations into existing observing systems. The potential role of national committees as coordination bodies were also highlighted with examples provided by some nations.
The publication of a survey of the GOOS National Focal Points from 27 European nations to understand the national coordination, drivers, focus and funding sustainability of ocean observing and marine monitoring is one of the first outputs of the EOOS OC providing a basis for the EOOS Operations Committee work. More details can be found here.