Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is comprised of the project coordinator, the Work Package leaders and co-leaders, and a delegate of the Gender and Diversity Board. The Steering Committee makes propositions to the Executive Board on the project’s work plan, innovation issues, or any matters related to the success of the project.
The EuroSea Steering Committee includes:
- Toste Tanhua (GEOMAR, Germany) – Coordinator
- Emma Heslop (IOC/UNESCO) and Inga Lips (EuroGOOS) – WP1 Governance & coordination of ocean observing & forecasting systems
- Ananda Pascual (CSIC, Spain) and Sabrina Speich (Ecole Normale Superieur, France) – WP2 Ocean Observing System Design
- George Petihakis (HCMR, Greece) and Johannes Karstensen (GEOMAR, Germany) – WP3 Network Integration and Improvement
- Pierre-Yves Le Traon (MOi, France) and Nadia Piardi (University of Bologna, Italy) – WP4 Data integration, Assimilation, and Forecasting
- Kevin Horsburgh till February 2021; Angela Hibbert from March 2021 (NOC, UK) and Enrique Alvarez-Fanjul (Puertos del Estado, Spain) – WP5 Coastal Resilience and Operational Services Demonstrator
- Caroline Cusack (Marine Institute, Ireland) and Gabriel Navarro (CSIC, Spain) – WP6 Ocean Health Demonstrator
- Karina von Schuckmann (MOi, France) and Maciej Telszewski (IO PAN, Poland) – WP7 Ocean Climate Indicators Demonstrator
- Dina Eparkhina (EuroGOOS) and Nicole Köstner (GEOMAR, Germany) – WP8 Communication: Engagement, Dissemination, Exploitation, and Legacy
- Michele Barbier (SciencEthics) – Gender and Diversity Board
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862626