Every November, the month of our anniversary, we bring together the EuroSea stakeholders and users to take stock of the impacts of our work and discuss the EuroSea contributions to pan-European and global ocean observing and policy.
At the 3rd EuroSea Anniversary Webinar on 24 November 2022 the EuroSea strategic approaches and innovative plans have been addressed through flash talks and discussion rounds. This short and informative webinar featured EuroSea scientists and representatives of international and intergovernmental organizations discussing the implementation of an interdisciplinary European ocean observing and forecasting system, responsive to the European policies and the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
The webinar included two keynotes demonstrating the EuroSea objectives and the impact monitoring approach, followed by panels on the key EuroSea topics: ocean observing governance, innovations in European ocean observation and forecasting, and contributions to the UN Ocean Decade.
View the recording on the EuroSea YouTube channel!