Featured News
EuroSea Declaration for Ocean Observing and Forecasting
The EuroSea Symposium, hosted at the IOC/UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on 21st September 2023, marked a pivotal moment for ocean science and forecasting. Today, the EuroSea Declaration, a commitment to advancing ocean observing and forecasting, was officially published on the Euro …
Job offer at GEOMAR – Scientific position in European Ocean Observing – gap identification
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel is a foundation of public law jointly financed by the Federal Republic of Germany (90 %) and the state of Schleswig-Holstein (10 %) and is one of the internationally leading institutions in the field of marine sciences. Currently GE …
Developing tailored products and services to help industry prepare for extreme marine events
EuroSea work package 6 on ocean health works to demonstrate the value of ocean observing and forecasting of extreme marine events at local to regional scales. The work package is developing downstream products and services to assess marine ecosystem health and provide an early wa …
EuroSea at Marine Environment Symposium in Germany
On 8 and 9 June 2021, EuroSea, represented by GEOMAR and MARUM, will participate with a virtual exhibition stand on Sustainable Ocean Observation in the virtual Meeresumweltsymposium (Marine Environment Symposium) which is organized by the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic …
EuroSea at the AtlantECO webinar on Ocean Literacy
EuroSea will take part in the AtlantECO webinar on Ocean Literacy, taking place on 11 June 2021. This virtual event that will convene scientists, educators, NGO leaders, and Ocean Literacy professionals to discuss how Ocean Literacy can be adapted to different cultures and contex …
European GOOS National Focal Points provide insight on the coordination and funding of ocean observing and marine monitoring
A survey of the GOOS National Focal Points from 27 European nations was conducted with the help of our project, within the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) Framework. The study aimed to understand the national coordination, drivers, focus, and funding sustainability of the …
2nd Climate Observation Conference: Call for abstracts open!
Call for abstracts is open for the 2nd Climate Observation Conference, to be held virtually on 30 August – 3 September 2021. Abstracts can be submitted online through the conference website for either an oral or poster presentation. The abstract submission deadline is 14 June 202 …
Blue Research and Innovation Days – European and national strategies, policies, and projects supporting Blue Economy
Blue Research and Innovation Days are organized on 19-23 April 2021 to showcase European and national projects focusing on blue economy. EuroSea will take part, along with our sister project Blue-Cloud, and several other relevant projects. The projects will present their objectiv …
Blue-Cloud webinar ‘Plankton Genomics: Multidisciplinary data mining to assess plankton distributions’
Blue-Cloud, the EuroSea sister project, is holding this webinar on 23 April 2021 at 14:00 CEST, as part of the Blue-Cloud real-life demonstrators. The Blue-Cloud ‘Plankton Genomics’ demonstrator is led by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) and created by the Faculty …
9th EuroGOOS International Conference ‘Advancements in Operational Oceanography’ – Registrations open
The EuroGOOS Conference brings together managers, developers, and users of ocean observing and operational oceanography products and services. The conference fosters dialogue, experience sharing, and future planning with European and international partners and stakeholders, towar …
Scientists of Opportunity – call for applications to join research vessel Belgica II
Call for applications is open to accommodate scientists on board of Belgian Research Vessel Belgica II (coordinated by our consortium partner, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences), during TAIPro2022 cruise funded by the Eurofleets+ project and the Mediterranean Science Co …