The EuroSea consortium has set out to optimize, advance and innovate many aspects of the ocean observing value chain, from technologies to products and services, from governance to capacities and best practice sharing. Communications will be an important enabler in this work. We are developing an impact monitoring protocol which will allow us assessing the impact for the whole project duration.

  • Sustainable blue economy

    Public-private partnerships with industries: ports, coastal communities, shipping, energy, fisheries and aquaculture, and technology manufacturers

  • Capacity building

    Growing capacities for strategic partnerships, business uptake, economical and technological development, and effective communication

  • G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative

    Supporting coordination of ocean observing at global and regional levels, linking to governmental priorities and strengthening national capacities

  • Science-based policies

    Harnessing the European ocean observing know how and bringing tangible results to inform environmental policies and the UN Ocean Decade

  • Climate and weather forecasting

    Delivering ocean climate and ocean health monitoring tools and improving European weather and extreme events forecasting for science-based decisions

  • Biological and biogeochemical measurements

    Developing global networks for ocean biology observations and data standards for conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity and ecosystems

  • Technology readiness levels

    Accelerating technology readiness levels of instruments, sensors and platforms, and integrating in situ measurements in models for effective and sustained monitoring

  • Data integration and sharing

    Improving data integration and sharing in all European ocean basins and helping to set data collection requirements for fit-for-purpose observations

  • Knowledge transfer

    Generating and sharing best practices in knowledge transfer for sustained ocean observing governance, capacity building, and technology development