Concept and objectives
The ocean is a fundamental live-support system and provider of a wealth of resources to the humanity.
Despite this paramount importance to society, there are fundamental gaps in ocean observing and forecasting systems, limiting our capacity to sustainably manage our activities in the ocean. Ocean observing is “big science” and cannot be solved by individual nations. EuroSea will support European integration for coordinated observations of the ocean that can be sustained in the long term.
EuroSea is a European Union Horizon 2020 Innovation Action running from November 2019 to December 2023. It brings together key European actors of ocean observation and forecasting with key end users of ocean observations, responding to the G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative. EuroSea’s innovative demonstration activities are focused on operational services, ocean health and climate, where a dialogue between actors in the ocean observing systems will guide the development of the services.
EuroSea Vision:
Advancing Research and Innovation towards a user-focused, truly interdisciplinary, and responsive European ocean observing and forecasting system, that delivers the essential information needed for human wellbeing and safety, sustainable development and blue economy in a changing world.
EuroSea Innovation Action Objectives:
- Strengthening European ocean observing and forecasting as an integrated entity within a global context.
- Improving the design for an integrated European ocean observing and forecasting system for the European seas and the Atlantic, including the deep sea.
- Improving and enhancing the readiness and integration of ocean observing networks.
- Enabling FAIR data, supporting integration of ocean data into Copernicus Marine Service, EMODnet and SeaDataNet portfolios.
- Delivery of improved forecasts and new information synthesis products by better use of data in models.
- Development of novel services, demonstrating the value of the ocean observing system to users.
- Support of an integrated, sustainable and fit-for-purpose ocean observing system by engaging with a range of end-users and other stakeholders.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862626