The development of best practices and Standard Operating Procedures for gliders in EuroSea will support EOOS to develop a glider network that is in phase with the results of recent international programs, the EuroGOOS Glider Task Team and the G7 recommendations for gliders. This will improve coordination at the European level through EuroGOOS and its regional systems (ROOS), and support a full integration in GOOS.
During the OceanGliders Best Practice Workshop in May 2021 several Standard Operating Procedures have been drafted by the global glider community. The first Procedure, namely for oxygen, is now online available and open for community review until 31 January 2022.
The community review will be public, open and transparent to receive a GOOS endorsement as described in Hermes et al 2020. The review will be facilitated on GitHub as described here. Constructive feedback by anyone is welcome. How you can contribute is described here.
We encourage both experts and new glider users who want to start observing oxygen to provide feedback on the document. Examples: experts are welcome to critically assess the specific methods and uncertainty ranges outlined in the Standard Operating Procedures, and new users can help to improve the Procedures by providing feedback from the user perspective.
Standard Operating Procedures for Salinity, Nitrate and Depth Average Currents (DACs) will be uploaded during autumn 2021.