Sea level rise (SLR) poses an existential threat to coastal communities, ecosystems, and economies around the world. For areas like the Mediterranean Sea, which is surrounded by countries with extensive coastal infrastructure, tourism, and heritage sites, managing and mitigating SLR is crucial. The Sea Level Advice Product (SLADE) is an advanced tool designed to provide actionable insights and data regarding SLR in the Mediterranean region.
Impact During the Project
Specialized Sea Level Monitoring:
Traditional State: Historical sea level monitoring tools may have relied on broader, global datasets or generic models that didn’t account for regional specificities of the Mediterranean.
Advancement: SLADE provides precise, Mediterranean-specific sea level monitoring, taking into account regional factors such as local ocean currents, temperature, salinity, and more. This results in a more accurate understanding of sea level dynamics in the region.
Stakeholder Engagement:
Traditional State: The absence of a region-specific SLR tool might have resulted in stakeholders relying on less accurate, generic data.
Advancement: The metric indicating the number of stakeholders using the SLADE tool across different countries and sectors showcases its practicality and relevance. It suggests that local governments, businesses, NGOs, and communities find value in its data and insights.
Impact Post Project
Informed Mitigation Strategies:
Traditional State: Strategies to combat SLR might have been based on generic sea level data, leading to possibly inefficient or mistargeted efforts.
Advancement: With SLADE, mitigation efforts can be more tailored to the specific challenges of the Mediterranean region. This can mean more effective sea wall constructions, better zoning laws, more informed evacuation plans, and so forth.
Expansion Beyond Demonstrator:
Traditional State: Many sea level tools start as demonstrators or pilot projects, tested in limited areas or scopes.
Advancement: The goal for SLADE is not just to remain a pilot tool but to be sustained, enlarged, and used extensively. Its long-term vision is to move beyond being a demonstrator and become an integral part of regional SLR management strategies.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
Traditional State: Sea level management traditionally might have been the domain of oceanographers and a few policymakers.
Advancement: With tools like SLADE that attract stakeholders from various sectors, there’s an interdisciplinary collaboration. Urban planners, economists, conservationists, and more can now engage in the discussion and strategy formulation around SLR.
Advancement over and above State of the Art
SLADE represents a pioneering move from generalized sea level monitoring tools to a region-specific, actionable advice product. It caters to the unique challenges and needs of the Mediterranean region. By engaging a diverse range of stakeholders, it ensures that sea level mitigation is not just a scientific endeavour but a collective, interdisciplinary effort. Its goal to sustain and expand signifies its vision to be a long-term solution, making coastal communities safer and more resilient to the challenges of rising seas.
Links and References
Link to D5.7- Mediterranean trend and acceleration sea-level esti-mates (reduced uncertainty, recalculation toolbox): https://eurosea.eu/download/eurosea_d5-8_mediterranean_trend_and_acceleration_sea-level_estimates_re-submitted-2/?wpdmdl=5585&refresh=650197caaf3731694603210