Gender and Diversity Board
The Gender and Diversity Board raises gender, early career, and other diversity awareness within the consortium. The Gender and Diversity Board is developing a Gender and Diversity Action Plan and advising the Steering Committee and Executive Board on its implementation.
The Gender and Diversity Board members are:
- René Garello (IEEE France section) – Chair (from Feb. 2022)
- Sheila Heymans (European Marine Board, EMB)
- Dina Eparkhina (European Global Ocean Observing System, EuroGOOS)
- Raffaella Casotti (Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy)
- Kieran Reilly (Marine Institute, Ireland)
- Abed El Rahman Hassoun (GEOMAR, Germany)
The Board was chaired by Michele Barbier (Institute for Science and Ethics) until February 2022
The Board has conducted a survey to evaluate the status of inclusion and diversity in the EuroSea consortium. Also, dedicated sessions were organized at the 2021 Annual Meeting to discuss these issues with the partners. A guest lecture was given by Britta Theges (Institute for Interdisciplinary Gender Research and Diversity, Kiel University of Applied Sciences). She presented a fascinating set of stories of women in oceanography, from being a symbol of bad luck, to breaking the science frontiers and barriers of preconceptions in the harsh backgrounds of ocean science. See this lecture below and on the EuroSea YouTube channel.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862626